Fortran namelist is a I/O method introduced in Fortran 77. It later became a standard in Fortran 90. It allows to read/write data as a dictionary like in plain text files. See below for a simple example:


Derived types are user defined types. They extend the basic types REAL, INTEGER and LOGICAL. They can be customized to accommodate any sort of user requirement. Fortunately, those can also integrate namelists. Below you will find how to read a namelist file and directly pass the values into the derived type.

So first, let’s define a Derived type and link:

  TYPE t_sf_weather
    INTEGER :: nc
    REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: t_air_min_c(:)
    REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: t_air_max_c(:)
    REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: precip_daily_mmd(:)
    REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: wind(:) !< [m/min]
    PROCEDURE, PASS :: READ => read_weather !< Customized read for namelist
  END TYPE t_sf_weather

Let’s implement the custom read for a namelist:

  SUBROUTINE read_weather (dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg)
    CLASS(t_sf_weather), INTENT(INOUT) :: dtv
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit
    CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: iotype
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: v_list(:)
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iostat
    CHARACTER(*), INTENT(INOUT) :: iomsg
    CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: err_msg

    READ (unit, *, IOSTAT=iostat, iomsg=err_msg) dtv%t_air_min_c
    IF (iostat/=0 ) write(*,*) "Error 1: " // err_msg
    READ (unit, *, IOSTAT=iostat) dtv%t_air_max_c(:)
    IF (iostat/=0 ) write(*,*) "Error 2: " // err_msg
    READ (unit, *, IOSTAT=iostat) dtv%precip_daily_mmd(:)
    IF (iostat/=0 ) write(*,*) "Error 3: " // err_msg
    READ (unit, *, IOSTAT=iostat) dtv%wind(:)
    IF (iostat/=0 ) write(*,*) "Error 4: " // err_msg
  END SUBROUTINE read_weather

Main method to read the namelist:

  SUBROUTINE read_namelist(filename, weather)
    CHARACTER(*), INTENT(in) :: filename
    TYPE(t_sf_weather), INTENT(inout) :: weather

    NAMELIST /WEATHER_NML/ weather !< The new method read_weather is called here
    ! Does the file exists?
    INQUIRE(file=filename, iostat=status)
    IF (status /= 0) THEN ! all good?
      write(*,*) "'Inquire' error number: ", status
      CALL finish("read_namelist", "Input error, file '"// filename // "' does not exists.")
    END IF

    ! open to read
    OPEN(action='read', file=filename, iostat=status, newunit=funit)
    IF (status /= 0) THEN ! all good?
      write(*,*) "'Open' error number: ", status
      CALL finish("read_namelist", "Open error for file '"// filename // "'")
    END IF

    ! read the namelist. Values are directly mapped into the derived type
    READ(nml=WEATHER_NML, iostat=status, unit=funit, iomsg=err_msg)
    IF (status /= 0) THEN ! all good?
      write(*,*) "'Read' error number: ", status, ", message=", err_msg
      CALL finish("read_namelist", "Read error for file '"// filename // "'")
    END IF

    CLOSE(funit) ! Formally close the file
END SUBROUTINE read_namelist

See how the namelist file would look like:

weather = 30, 15, 0, 2.1

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